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UNFPA in The Gambia

UNFPA in The Gambia

UNFPA in The Gambia

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)’s primary role is to promote the rights of every woman, man and child to enjoy a life of health and equal opportunity within the reproductive health and population context. UNFPA strives to ensure universal access to reproductive health, including family planning and sexual health to individuals and couples. It also focuses on support to population and development strategies for capacity building in population programming, promotion and awareness of population and development issues, and advocacy for resource mobilisation. UNFPA supports countries in using population data for policies and programmes to reduce poverty and to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV and AIDS, and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.

UNFPA’s mandate is to:

  • To build the knowledge and the capacity to respond to needs in population and family planning;
  • To promote awareness of population problems in both developed and developing countries and possible strategies to deal with these problems;
  • To assist developing countries, at their request, in dealing with their population problems, in the forms and means best suited to the individual country’s needs; and
  • To play a leading role in the United Nations System in promoting population programmes, and to coordinate projects supported by the Fund.

In The Gambia, the agency has been working with the Government of The Gambia since 1972 to achieve universal access to reproductive health, to realize gender equality and women’s empowerment and to help monitor, analyse and respond to rapidly changing population trends. It is the leading Agency in The Gambia for support to population, reproductive health and gender policies.

UNFPA provides assistance focusing on:

  • improvement of reproductive health and universal access to family planning services on the basis of individual choice;
  • formulation of population policies in support of efforts towards sustained and sustainable development;
  • and, is the lead agency in providing support in the conduct of population and housing censuses.

UNFPA is an advocate for the goals of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) including: (1) Better health for all, but especially for women and girl children; (2) Education for all, but especially for women and girl children; (3) Women’s empowerment and gender equity; (4) International consensus on population and sustainable development; and, (5) Early stabilization of the world population.

There are 7 project components, which comprise UNFPA’s support in The Gambia:

  • Adolescent Reproductive Health
  • Integrated Reproductive Health
  • Population Programme Management
  • Population and Family Life Education (PoPFLE)
  • Gender
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Advocacy and IEC

Key Results


Emergency obstetric and newborn care

Emergency obstetric and newborn care coverage was met, as per the international recommended minimum standards


Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

Quality assured, adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services were provided in at least 25 per cent of public health facilities


Health services for sexual violence survivors

Essential health services were provided for survivors of sexual violence by at least 60 per cent of public health facilities


Cervical cancer screening services

Cervical cancer screening services were offered by at least 25 per cent of public health facilities


Sexual and reproductive health/HIV index

A sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration index was applied


Supply chain management strategy

A costed supply chain management strategy was in place, taking into account the UNFPA/WHO implementation guide on ensuring rights-based contraceptive delivery


Sexual and reproductive health indicators available

Sexual and reproductive health indicators were collected periodically, and made publically available


Patient satisfaction surveys

Routine patient satisfaction surveys were conducted on the provision of sexual and reproductive health services


National plans against harmful practices

A costed national action plan to address harmful practices was developed


Life skills programmes for girls


Marginalized girls were reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes

What we do

UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission: to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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Country Representative

Country Representative

Ndeye Rose Sarr


Ms. Ndeye Rose Sarr is the UNFPA representative in The Gambia. Prior to this role, she served as the Regional Desk Specialist for the West and Central Africa Region, a position she held for seven years. In that position, Ms. Sarr provided leadership, policy advice and strategic partnerships building for the region and supported the Eastern and Southern Africa desk. She also contributed to the development of various Country Programmes, supported quality assurance, human resources alignments and capacity development of staff in country offices through the Programme Review Committee (PRC) and the Internal Consulting Group (ICG).
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