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Preliminary Report of the 2024 Census in The Gambia

 Preliminary Report of the 2024 Census in The Gambia
 Preliminary Report of the 2024 Census in The Gambia


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Preliminary Report of the 2024 Census in The Gambia

Publication date

17 September 2024

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The Gambia Bureau of Statistics (GBoS), with immense support from UNFPA and other key partners, has officially launched the 2024 Digital Population and Housing Census Preliminary Report.

The Gambia Bureau of Statistics which unveiled the preliminary findings of the 2024 census indicates that The Gambia's population has grown by over 300,000 since the 2013 census, bringing the total to 2.4 million. Key highlights from the census include a gender-disaggregated population, with 1.24 million females (52%) and 1.19 million males (49%), reflecting the country's evolving demographic structure.